Op-Ed from Director Scott Kirschenbaum | |
Agenda Magazine Cover Story | |
Dementia, From the Inside | |
Reviewed by San Francisco Chronicle | |
Reviewed by Pop Matters | |
Stunning New Alzheimer's Documentary to Air on PBS March 29 | |
The Camden International Film Festival | |
Joan Aragone: Time Film provides insight into internal life of Danville Alzheimer's patient | |
Into the Mind of ... Scott Kirschenbaum | |
Local filmmaker focuses lens on dynamo unbowed by Alzheimer’s | |
Alzheimer's, Art, and Community | |
I Don't Really Live Here | |
A Celebration of Life | |
PBS Airs a Gem About Alzheimer's | |
Reviewed by what (not) to doc |
“You’re Looking At Me Like I Live Here And I Don’t allows us to peer inside the life of Lee Gorewitz, a woman with Alzheimer’s and a whole lot of personality. At times funny, sad, confused and even callous, Lee helps us see what she sees - through the eyes of a person with Alzheimer’s living in an assisted living facility. This wonderful film can help everyone learn about the Alzheimer’s experience.”
-Elizabeth S. Edgerly, Ph.D.
Chief Program Officer, Alzheimer's Association Northern California & Northern Nevada
“Alzheimer’s turns some of its victims into the avant-garde of the 21st century. First of all, they reveal to us the state of post-life existence and what it feels like to pause at the threshold of non-being. Here, they babble clichés in meaningful tones and in between release a stream of non-sequiturs. They slump, sleep, kick, do a little jig, eat and take medicines. They are more innocent than children, blasted free of any past or future. Beckett would love the central figure in this film, Lee, a still strong older woman whose body and mind are still functioning on routines remembered though she says (as an aside) that she died in Brooklyn. This is not a sentimental documentary about Lee or her nurses, or the care being provided to people with insurance. The filmmaker is “out there” with other poets of the tragic modern world.”
-Fanny Howe
Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize Winner & Professor of Poetics
"You’re Looking at Me Like I Live Here and I Don’t provides a poignant portrait of a woman struggling to express herself in a constricted world that eludes her understanding. We know that Alzheimer’s disease is common. This film teaches us that the dementia experience is unique, lonely, and intensely personal."
-Dr. Victor Henderson
Professor, Neurology & Neurological Sciences
“Seeing You’re Looking At Me provoked a strong impulse in me to share the film with everyone I care about--an experience this authentic and insightful and engaging just doesn’t come often. Witty and charming, spiteful and socially cunning, Lee has deeply enriched my view of Alzheimer’s. The filmmakers have managed quite a feat in this honest, nuanced portrait; they’ve allowed Lee, and her many companions, to speak for themselves.”
-Nathan Winkler-Rhoades
Department of Psychology
"You're Looking At Me Like I Live Here And I Don't is the first documentary to truly present the perspective of the person with dementia. It is a great contribution to the understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and a respectful portrait of those who are afflicted."
-Steve Zweig
Director, Interdisciplinary Center on Aging
"We all know people who are suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s. You’re Looking At Me Like I Live Here And I Don’t is a full immersion into the life of someone with dementia. The film is moving, funny at times, humane, but, most of all, loving in its approach to a disease that so many are afflicted with."
-Paul Hudak
Master of Saybrook College
“You’re Looking At Me Like I Live Here And I Don’t captures the remarkable Lee Gorewitz in a way that is sensitive and illuminating. This film needs to be seen by anyone who cares to better understand the nature of Alzheimer’s disease.”
-Robert H. Dunn
President, The Synergos Institute